3 Years?!?!

It has been 3 years since we got the Appa dog? Ha! Kidding, this post actually has nothing to do with the pup….

In real life it has been 3 years since we got married. It seems like yesterday, yet forever ago. To celebrate we wanted to do something fun but not too big (we are saving up for a little trip we want to take this summer) so we went to Carvers that night then later in the week we went cross country skiing! We had loads of fun. I have never had skis strapped to my feet before so of course I spent a lot of time falling then trying to figure out how to get back up. Still, it was loads of fun. The two of us just cruising and laughing at ourselves slipping and sliding and having a great time. That night I honestly laid on our bed and thought “I might never move again.” Surprisingly the next day I was fine, very able to move and not even sore.

Now on the the pictures!

This is me cruising along

Riley getting started

This is me yelling “Cross country skiing rocks!” oooor “Im about to fall on my face!”…you can decided that one
Cute Roley

This filter is called vintage, doesn’t it look like this picture was taken in the olden days?! Coool….

Me in the snow flurries. It flurried pretty much all day, how romantic. Just as we were headed home it got pretty nasty, it was actually pretty perfect for us. Also see my earrings? They look like plugs but they are not. They are just another pair of fabric covered button earrings. 

Riley drinking water

Me with my gear

And Riley with his

And now since I never have before, I will share some wedding pictures! There are tons and I will try to be reasonable but seriously I’m pretty much the luckiest person on earth. I had not one but two awesome photographers covering my wedding.

Oh, what is that smell you ask? That’s just me, rotting away in my spoiled-ness. You will get used to it.

We shall start with bridals. Really we should start with our engagements but they seem to be hiding at the moment…..

I love love love love my bridals. They are just perfect

The pink just makes me so happy

And still I just love my dress

Now onto the wedding day! Here is everbody

Perfect Florence photo

and the Madisons

There is another picture that happened shortly before or after this one that is so great but it also seems to be hiding at the moment, boo. But still I love this one!

This picture has been my Facebook profile picture for 3 years straight now…well on Feburary 11th it will be. I will probably never change it

See these earrings? I have worn these earring every single time I have been to the temple since our wedding day. Fun Syd fact

Riley loves this picture. He is cute but I look like a jerk. 

There is just something about this picture that I love, I don’t know just what

Oh this little girl….

The family. It is so wild to see how much everyone has changed, especially the kiddos

This may be weird but sometimes I think about what I would do if I lost my ring. I would be devastated. Then I would get an exact replica made. For that reason I am really happy they got some good pictures for me.

There could not have been a more accurate picture taken of Jade. Surrounded by children…always

Who knew the tops/backs of our heads were so cute

Ahhh memory lane was sweet, wasn’t it? Happy three years to us! Here is to the rest of eternity.

In the Beginning of the Year 2012

Remember how I mentioned we got a new camera? Well now we really have 5 trillion gazillion pictures of our dog. I will only torture you with a few.

Annnyway…We rung in the new year in the best possible way-Cheeses of the world. It was Riley’s first time and I was really happy about it. We did our first ever cheese fondue and it was awesome! We also tried the Genovian pear and cheese dessert. Good call Genovians, good call.

We ate and played games until we realized it was after midnight. That whole counting down thing was pretty uneventful. But the cheeses made up for it.

On the 3rd we got to celebrate Haley’s 17th birthday, whoop whoop! There was dancing, present opening and cake eating. All the birthday necessities.

“I am so attractive all the time!”

Happy birthday Haley!

Christmas Time

We had a wonderful Christmas season over here at our house we got to spend a lot of time celebrating.

For Riley’s workin party we went to a hockey game. It was a jolly good time.

We got our house all decorated. Here our some pictures of our trees

The pink tree, always a favorite of mine

I think i’m pretty awesome

Our big Christmas tree! It looks a little bare what with all the holes, it doesn’t feel that way in real life though. The Appa dog ornament and the graduation ornament were the new ones for the year.

No, I didn’t intend on taking a picture of the Appa dog in front of the tree. I was taking the above picture and he plopped himself right there so I had to. I had no choice.

Speaking of the Appa dog, one day when Riley was gone I heard Appa crying. I checked his usual spots and I couldn’t find him. Finally I look over to downstairs and there he is behind the chair moving a little forward and a little back. He was stuck! I laughed and laughed and took pictures.

He was not amused. Then I helped him get out. Silly pup.

Also one day Riley sent me this picture of Appa after their morning walk and I think it is so crazy!

Anyway back to the humans. Christmas Eve was spent with my family. Having fun and playing games, as we do. And doing things like this.

I sure wish Haley wasn’t always at work.

Christmas morning we woke up and opened presents! That box with the big red bow is from Santa! He brought us a new camera that is totally awesome.

We spend the morning playing with all our  new toys. We must have been really good kids this year because we were spoiled.

Then we went to church and after that over to Riley’s sisters’s house for more festivities/pure chaos.

American Gothic?!? Oh no, just Riley’s parents.

We had such a great Christmas! I love when we get to sneak in a little extra family time.

The day after Riley went on a hike. He has gotten this idea that hiking in the winter will be fun. I think he is crazy. I stayed home. I sewed, of course and finally finished up this skirt I have been working on forever. I also made that shirt but it was finished back in November! I like how they look together though, just how I had imagined and that is rare.